Monday, April 12, 2010

Tribal and cliquish: Why Jews, liberals, Marxists and multiculturalists make common cause against libertarianism, Christianity, Western civilization

The Jewish Problem — And Ours: Part 1
(By Lesacre du Printemps)

“There must be some way out of here, said the joker to the thief…Let us not talk falsely now, the hour is getting late.”
Dylan, All Along The Watch Tower

Persons often think in essentialist terms; they reify differences. When compounded with Group-thinking, this can lead to a reification of attributes, to an ‘us and them’ separated by rather darkly drawn circles. Ethnic groups, at times, do this. And this can lead to rather unfortunate interethnic relations, and to further reification, and to darker circles, and to more misfortunes.

Misfortunes of this nature, tend to give impetus to the Cultural Liberal and Cultural Marxist view. Potentially, all ethnic groups can give expression to Cultural Libertarian, Cultural Liberal, and Cultural Marxist views. What is common between these views is that they represent a detachment from ethnic group identity, or being a people traditionally understood; what is uncommon is that Liberals and Marxists are, nonetheless, groupish, in their own particular fashion. Unsurprisingly, liberals and Cultural Marxists almost religiously engage in their own group reification; the former thinks in terms of enlightened ‘us’ and barbaric ‘them,’ the latter thinks in terms of an righteous ‘us’ and wicked ‘them.’ Both see ethnic hostility and interethnic reification and think that the way out of this is through the elimination of ethnic identity and the formation of a new progressive form of group identity.

New progressive form of group identity, now, is something that most members of that ancient ethnos do not embrace; if they did, they would not be members; but many act as if they did. Why? Many Jews have a particular hostility to or phobia of European-Christians, given prior interethnic relations and their own reifications; obviously, the degree to which they demonstrate this, testifies that they are not, themselves, Liberal or Cultural-Marxist, let alone culturally libertarian. Of these, a significant number have engaged in either outright hypokrisis or a sort of mauvaise foi and tapped into the Liberal and Cultural Marxist sentiment of Europeans; and they have also been fairly good at establishing an exceptionalist status for themselves and potential allies; this is, in part, why Liberalism and Cultural Marxism is framed in terms of European supremacism and co-exists nicely with multiculturalism and celebrating other ethnic diversity, including their own type...MORE...LINK

"Liberals and Marxists are, nonetheless, groupish, in their own particular fashion. Unsurprisingly, liberals and Cultural Marxists almost religiously engage in their own group reification; the former thinks in terms of enlightened ‘us’ and barbaric ‘them,’ the latter thinks in terms of an righteous ‘us’ and wicked ‘them.’ Both see ethnic hostility and interethnic reification and think that the way out of this is through the elimination of ethnic identity and the formation of a new progressive form of group identity."

Chris Moore comments:

This is a profound observation. Of course, Marxism and its progeny, left-liberalism can be traced to Jewish thought via Marx himself, and his Zionist tutor Moses Hess (in fact, traced to the entire adolescent, exaggerated sense of persecution and self-importance that marked the insular Jewish-intellectual milieu from which they emerged). It's not surprising, then, that liberals and Marxists tend to suffer from narcissistic forms of arrested development similar to those of authoritarian Jews.

So even as liberals and Marxists attempt to portray themselves as more socially "scientific," "advanced," "sophisticated," and "progressive" than their libertarian, Christian and Western civilization rivals, in actuality they suffer from a false consciousness (originally a Marxist term relating to a false faith by the masses in the security of the bourgeoisie, Christian, capitalist system) wherein their narrow clique serves as a self-reinforcing echo chamber. The fact that left-liberal and Marxist cliques might include many different races/cultures/ethnicities in no way mitigates their insular character, because all their elements are simply regurgitating the same politically correct, doctrinaire dogma to one another -- dogma originally constructed by authoritarian Jews for their own purposes of keeping gentile liberals and Marxists in a useful state of arrested development, and then entering into a political coalition with these to displace Christianity and Western civilization.

(None of this is intended to deny the fact that Judeo-Christian Zionists and money-worshipping corporatists, for example, are in a similar, comparable state of arrested development. The concept of Jewish control-freak intentions to broadly keep gentiles in a second class state of servitude and subordination can be helpfully comprehended by examining other more blatantly Jewish-supremacist schemes similar in character like Noahidism.)

"Many Jews have a particular hostility to or phobia of European-Christians, given prior interethnic relations and their own reifications; obviously, the degree to which they demonstrate this, testifies that they are not, themselves, Liberal or Cultural-Marxist, let alone culturally libertarian. Of these, a significant number have engaged in either outright hypokrisis or a sort of mauvaise foi and tapped into the Liberal and Cultural Marxist sentiment of Europeans; and they have also been fairly good at establishing an exceptionalist status for themselves and potential allies"

This is another important observation from this piece. Essentially, what the author seems to be saying is that many Jews aren't authentically Marxist or liberal, and are in fact anti-White, anti-Christian racists who have successfully tapped into Marxism and liberalism to advance their own Jewish supremacist agenda.

I would agree, with the caveat that Marxism and left-liberalism were created for this very purpose, and would add that these kinds of Jews have, moreover, been able to successfully use/partner with more modern gentile Marxists and liberals by cutting Faustian bargains with their leadership wherein all agree that their respective tribes and cliques will pursue an authoritarian State, which then legally grants each "exceptionalist status" (eg the Dept. of anti-Semitism, anti-White racist affirmative action, "hate crimes" protections for nearly everyone except straight whites, political dissidents and Christians) so long as they remain allies in marginalizing, subjugating and (as was the case in the former Soviet Union) mass murdering Christians, dissidents, and advocates of free marketplace of speech and ideas Western civilization.

Again, this affirms the fraudulent "liberalism" and counterfeit "opposition to hierarchy" claimed by the bulk of Jews, left-liberals and Marxists. In fact, as the history of Communism proves, these fraudulent and counterfeit "progressives" are the most insane and murderous force in the history of humanity.

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