Sunday, May 16, 2010

Lieberman's citizenship-stripping Bill that targets Muslims will eventually be used against Left-Right dissidents as well

Joe Lieberman's Fascist agenda to strip Americans of their Constitutional Rights
(Nonpartisan Examiner) -- by Robert Stark --

Senator Joe Lieberman is sponsoring a Bill with Massachusetts Republican Scott Brown called the "Terrorist Expatriation Act" that would strip terrorist suspects on their citizenship. The bill applies to any American that supports a foreign terrorist organization or any organization that is deemed a supporter of terrorism by an ally of the United States. The bill gives the State Department the power to determine who is a terrorist and strip away their citizenship.

Lieberman introduced the Bill stating "The State Department will make an administrative determination… the State Department will now have the authority to revoke their citizenship… they will not enjoy the rights and privileges of American citizenship in the legal proceedings against them…. he could then be tried by military commission as the Unprivileged Enemy Belligerent that he is."

Even though Lieberman claims the Bill is to target Americans who have joined Islamic Terrorist Organizations such as Al Qaeda, it has implications affecting many American political dissidents not just those who one would usually think of as terrorist. Hypothetical scenario's that the bill might apply to are Americans such as former Congresswomen Cynthia McKinney who are helping out Palestinians in Gaza with food and medical aid. Since Israel considers Hamas a terrorist organization and Israel is considered as ally by the US Government.

Another scenario is American Patriots who are helping out the Afrikaner Resistance Movement which is secessionist movement in South Africa. Lets say the ANC Government in South Africa declares the movement a terrorist organization and the US state department decides to go after Americans who are helping the organization...MORE...LINK

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