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Saturday, January 07, 2012

With GOP and Democrats triangulated by neo-fascist Globalists and Zionists, is Ron Paul a precursor to the next Lincoln and a new party?

Is Paul a precursor of a more presentable candidate in 2016?

(Mondoweiss) -- by Philip Weiss --

I'm stunned by the way that mainstream newscasters continue to overlook Ron Paul. He's running second in the New Hampshire polls after Mitt Romney, but commentators can only talk about Romney, Santorum, and Gingrich-- even when those polls are right up on the screen. The blindness (evident on NBC Nightly News, Chris Matthews, and NPR) feeds conspiracy theory-- and may only foster the movement that Paul is leading. A couple people have pointed me to this video above, in which CNN reporter Dana Bash says she's "worried" that Ron Paul will continue to hang in there through the nominating season.

Meantime, here are two realists arguing that while they couldn't vote for Ron Paul, he presages an important shift in our politics.

Pat Lang says Paul is too old to be president, but likens our historical moment (as I have done) to the 1850s, when the slave power was regnant and it required a new party to break it.
IMO what you are seeing in the highly disciplined mass of young people who support Paul is the commencement of a powerful movement that will result in a political party.

In 1856 the Republican Party ran its first presidential candidate. Paul should run as a representative of a new party.
By the way, Lincoln, who of course ran on the Republican ticket in 1860, repeatedly attacked a "conspiracy" of the slave power inside our politics in the 1858 Douglas debates, a race he lost. He said the conspiracy corrupted Whigs and Democrats, who coordinated matters like the Dred Scott decision behind the scenes. He wanted the debate out in the open...MORE...LINK

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