(((MSM))) with top Dems waging a belligerent verbal war on Russia, and Trump standing up to China on trade, has the world's three biggest nuclear powers on edge. Can Trump cool the engines?
[–]sematrix[S] 1 point
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Was Robert Bowers a disgruntled Jew, attacking his elderly "mother"? A series of strange, unanswered questions revolving around the Squirrel Hill Synagogue shooting by sematrix in GentilesUnited

EU conflict with new coalition of left-wing and right-wing populists now running Italian government a lesson in globalist neoliberalism vs. nationalism, and how it uses the central bankster's purse stings to control nations and destroy democracy (zerohedge.com)
submitted by sematrix to r/NationalistsUnited
Using the typical Zionist tactic of quickly exploiting a crisis for gain, Pittsburgh Rabbis already politicize synagogue massacre, claim Trump has "targeted" Jews, and "deliberately undermined the safety of people of color, Muslims, LGBTQ people, and people with disabilities." by sematrix in NationalistsUnited

Using the typical Zionist tactic of quickly exploiting a crisis for gain, Pittsburgh Rabbis already politicize synagogue massacre, claim Trump has "targeted" Jews, and "deliberately undermined the safety of people of color, Muslims, LGBTQ people, and people with disabilities." (zerohedge.com)
submitted by sematrix to r/NationalistsUnited
What Jesus called "the synagogue of Satan" uses empires to its own ends. They used the Roman empire to persecute Christians. They're pushing the American empire to persecute Christians and anyone else who stands in their satanic way. Ambitious, vain, totalitarian devils bent on world domination. by sematrix in GentilesUnited
As black support for President Trump surges to 36% vs 19% last year, Trump-supporting rapper Kanye West has designed a line of T-shirts urging blacks to leave the Democratic party by sematrix in NationalistsUnited
Was gunman nuts to believe New Age Jews (international Zionists) were organizing the invasion and destruction of Western Civilization? No, the New Age Jews have openly stated that agenda. by sematrix in NationalistsUnited
Pittsburgh Massacre: White Terrorist Blamed Jews for Refugees, Ignored New Age Christians Who Did The Same by sematrix in NationalistsUnited
America should refuse to allow globalists shelter on its shores. All they want is the U.S. as a base of operations for control, wealth, and power, but take no responsibility for the health and welfare of the "deplorable" American people. This soulless, entitled people is national poison. (duckduckgo.com)
submitted by sematrix to r/NationalistsUnited
What Jesus called "the synagogue of Satan" uses empires to its own ends. They used the Roman empire to persecute Christians. They're pushing the American empire to persecute Christians and anyone else who stands in their satanic way. Ambitious, vain, totalitarian devils bent on world domination. by sematrix in GentilesUnited

What Jesus called "the synagogue of Satan" uses empires to its own ends. They used the Roman empire to persecute Christians. They're pushing the American empire to persecute Christians and anyone else who stands in their satanic way. Ambitious, vain, totalitarian devils bent on world domination. (gotquestions.org)
submitted by sematrix to r/GentilesUnited
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Yelling ‘all Jews must die,’ gunman kills 8 at Pittsburgh synagogue. How much of the fault lies with organized Jewry/Zionists? by sematrix in GentilesUnited

There is rejoicing in the Jewish world today at his death. Faurisson had been the most intractable critic of the Holocaust public relations apparatus. Revisionists remain hard at work convincing the public of the greatest lie of all time, but Faurisson was known as the dean of Holocaust truth. (johnkaminski.org)
submitted by sematrix to r/GentilesUnited
The keys to the state candy store and quick, easy plunder: Why Dems and globalists want to turn America into Venezuela by sematrix in NationalistsUnited
The Synagogue of Satan -- an evil, primitive people: the Prophet Jeremiah was stoned to death in Egypt by the Jews and therefore murdered by the ‘Chosen People’ much as Jesus Christ was by sematrix in GentilesUnited
Notice how this former thought police tyrant of reddit left "Christian-phobic" and "white-phobic" off her Marxist dogma list? by sematrix in NationalistsUnited

MSM/propaganda class selectively emphasizes the news so that when Republicans are victimized by terror or crime, it aint no thang. Because according to nation-hijacking crony Marxists and Trotskyites, only their vanguard, adherents and stooges are human beings (americanthinker.com)
submitted by sematrix to r/NationalistsUnited
Warped, degenerate "royalty" of crumbling, Wahhabi-compromised UK: Prince Andrew Wants To Strengthen Saudi Ties Despite Yemen Atrocities And Khashoggi Murder by sematrix in NationalistsUnited