China and UAE ditch US Dollar, will use Yuan for oil trade
(Commodity Online) -- by ? --
NEW YORK (Commodity Online): The US dollar is fast losing out its reserve currency status with China aggressively replacing the dollar with the Yuan as a currency for bi-lateral trade. The latest is an agreement signed between the China and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), which will use the Yuan for oil trade.
The deal is worth around $5.5 billion dollars and the Chinese central bank said that the deal aims at “strengthening bilateral financial cooperation, promoting trade and investments and jointly safeguarding regional financial stability”
Earlier, Russia and Iran had decided to use Rubles as a means of currency. With both China and Russia converting their bi-lateral trades into non-US dollar deals, the greenback is now under threat of losing out its status as the world reserve currency. And the impact of such a transition will essentially tip the balance of global power...LINK
Here's my submission for the Worst Generation's slogan, and the epitaph that should mark what will no doubt eventually be all of their urine-soaked graves:
Never have so few squandered so much, so fast. -- C.M.
Facts show that Israel did 9/11, and Marxist-Zionists -- including MSM --
are continuously trying to drag America into WW3 for Judeofascism
*Israel Did 9/11*
As I have shown, 9/11 served as the casus belli to drag the U.S. military
into the Middle East to wage war on Israel’s enemies in accorda...
1 day ago
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