The Pentagon’s Total War Against Iran Will Trigger The Emergence of A Planetary Security State
( -- by Saman Mohammadi --
The military dictatorship behind President Obama is preparing to wage a total war against Iran. The National Defense Resources Preparedness Executive Order of March 16, 2012, is a further indication of this suppressed reality.
This executive order gives the office of the Presidency the power to impose Martial Law and confiscate all national resources to extend the life of the banksters’ parasitic war machine that hijacked America in 1913. This anti-American war machine survives on state terror. It would’ve shrunk considerably if 9/11 hadn’t been committed by the Bush administration and Mossad.
We must remember that America was put in a state of national emergency on September 14, 2001 by then President George W. Bush. So President Obama is merely following the plan. He is not responsible for Martial Law and the state of emergency. We knew Martial Law was coming to America and the West all along because of the unforgivable nature of the false flag September 11 events.
If a criminal clique within the world’s most powerful government can murder its own people in cold blood with the assistance of a foreign government and suppress that fact in the global media, then it should not be surprising to anyone that the same criminal clique is committed to destroying all obstacles in its passionate pursuit of supremacy in the Middle East, Central Asia, and the world.
A total Western war against Iran was inevitable once 9/11 happened. There was no going back once the ultimate red line was crossed by the American and Israeli governments on that beautiful morning.
So far, the Pentagon and U.S. intelligence community have constrained their power vis-à-vis Iran, and chosen to squeeze their enemy in a step by step process before delivering their most lethal blows. They have used economic, information, and cyber warfare with Israel’s help to weaken Iran’s technological capabilities, blacken its image to isolate it from the international community, and stop the flow of Iranian oil to the world market.
But the strategy to disconnect Iran economically and politically from the region and the world has not worked because it is strategically impossible. Numerous polls in the Middle East have shown that most people regard the United States and Israel as greater threats to the security of the region than Iran. Iran’s social and political capital is visible in Shiite and Sunni communities across the region.
And it not just in the Middle East where Iran is more popular and more respected than the United States and Israel. As Middle East expert Juan Cole wrote in late February, “Despite American assertions that Iran is “internationally isolated,” it turns out that the boycott of that country is a solidly Northern Hemisphere phenomenon and only partially successful even there. The US-led sanctions on and boycott of Iran have largely been rejected in Africa,-Asia and Latin America.”
On Wednesday, March 21, Chinese official Hong Lei reasserted China’s economic relationship to Iran by saying that, “China legally imports oil from Iran through normal channels in a reasonable and fair manner.”
In this stage of the war against Iran, Israel has taken the lead in order to take pressure off of the Obama administration in a topsy-turvy election year. President Obama does not want to be seen by the international community as aggressive towards Iran because such a transparent stance would discredit his image even further...MORE...LINK
"If a criminal clique within the world’s most powerful government can murder its own people in cold blood with the assistance of a foreign government and suppress that fact in the global media, then it should not be surprising to anyone that the same criminal clique is committed to destroying all obstacles in its passionate pursuit of supremacy in the Middle East, Central Asia, and the world. A total Western war against Iran was inevitable once 9/11 happened."-------------------------
Chris Moore comments:
The key to stopping this insane Globalist totalitarian agenda is pressuring the Diaspora Zionist Jews. Once they realize they're the ones who are being played by the Israeli Zionist Jews and the Anglo-fascist Globalists, they'll be pressured towards calling off the attack dogs. They need to know they were too clever by half with their blatant Israel lobby fifth column, and will be the first to go under the bus when this starts getting ugly.
They already have a huge target on their backs that reads "Israel Firsters."
And the Israeli Jews want them squeezed into the state of Israel anyway for their own incestuous ethnocentric and ideological religious purposes.
And the Anglo-fascist snakes (in addition to being early enemies of America, the inbred Brit Royalist "elites," with their Jew-like "chosen" conceit -- including those who have re-infiltrated America like English ivy -- are long time enemies of Western civilization, as well) won't really care if the Diaspora Jews go under the bus.
Nests of vipers.
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