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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Rand Paul single handedly staved off AIPAC-written Congressional resolution that would have put U.S. on war path to Iran...but it's back

Why You Aren’t Reading About AIPAC-Authored House Iran Resolution EXCEPT HERE

In case you missed it, here is my piece from yesterday (also featured in Huffington Post) about AIPAC’s “no containment” resolution which is on the House floor today.

The resolution was written by AIPAC and introduced in both Houses by the AIPAC faithful. It would have passed the Senate 99-1 except that the one, Rand Paul, used the unanimous consent rule to keep it off the floor. Not to worry, Senators Reid and McConnell will make sure it passes later.

The resolution is part of AIPAC’s strategy to prevent President Obama from responding to a “nuclear capable” Iran through any means other than war. Joe Lieberman explains: “”All options must be on the table when it comes to Iran — except for one, and that is containment.” He added that “the consequences of a nuclear-armed Iran cannot be ‘contained’ like the threat of the Soviet Union” — or China, or North Korea, or Pakistan.

At this point, the resolution is non-binding but as Lieberman and AIPAC make clear, it will be converted into binding language. Otherwise, the goal of tying Obama’s hands cannot be accomplished...MORE...LINK

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