Introduction by Chris Moore
Global Research is a left-leaning organization that has nonetheless put its finger on a major economic problem in the U.S. with the following article. Namely, that the patriotic, old titans of manufacturing and American economic progress have been replaced by a new elite that sees itself as a “chosen” leadership and financial aristocracy that should never be questioned, even as it robs Americans blind.
Internationalist in temperament, outlook and ambition, the attitude of this new elite can be thought of shorthand as what Henry Ford once described as the mentality of “the international Jew,” but which also includes many “progressive” and right-wing non-Jews who have embraced the Globalist agenda out of greed, careerism, opportunism and just plan crass, black-heartedness.
These types feel that patriotism is for rubes, nationalism is for Nazis, and that they don’t need to dirty their hands or strain their backs with the tough job of implementing the success of U.S. jobs-producing manufacturing and industry. No, they are above all of that, and have a more important, messianic mission of accumulating billions for their own bank accounts through capital speculation and on the backs of the peasants while simultaneously lecturing the ever larger underclass about political correctness, green economies, tolerance for the predatory financial class, and the crucial importance of bombing Islamic women and children.
The insatiable greed and malevolence of this self-important, predatory Zionist-Globalist class is finally coming to a head, with the Tea Party movement being the right-wing manifestation of resistance and the Occupy movement being the left-wing manifestation.
At present, the corrupt GOP and Democratic Party leadership are attempting to pit these two dissident groups against one another and corral them back into the respective, mainstream Left-Right Party tents, but in the long run, such an enterprise is futile, as more and more Americans get wise to the swindle, and as the financial crimes against humanity perpetrated by this State-Capitalist aristocracy hit more and more Americans where it hurts economically.
The theft, plunder and economic decimation carried out by these self-serving parasites is finally catching up with them, and all the lawyer-like spin and fast talk in the world won’t be able to stay the execution of the quickly tightening noose that those who have been grievously wronged are quickly lassoing around their greedy necks. -- C.M.
Occupy Wall Street: Populist Financiers Supporting Protesters Is Part of the Problem, Not the Solution
(Global Research) -- by Finian Cunningham --
...Of the public figures that have come out recently to support the Occupy Wall Street movement perhaps the most bizarre are some of the Wall Street financiers themselves. Some of the big names, apparently rallying to the cause, include George Soros, Warren Buffett, Ben Bernanke and Al Gore.
The phrase “poachers becoming gamekeepers” comes to mind. How can financiers and speculators who are the embodiment of everything that is awry with the American economy be part of the solution? This is an example of where the movement needs to make tough political choices and to demonstrate that it understands the structural nature of the challenge that lies ahead. In not doing so, what we will witness is a classic maneouvre to co-opt a grassroots movement that could otherwise pose a serious challenge to the power structure that has so deformed the American economy and society.
The financiers supporting the OWS campaign may articulate popular disdain towards “greedy banksters” – but if the protest movement really does pose a serious challenge to the power structure, then it needs to go beyond personalizing attacks against criminal individuals and understand that the problem at hand is systemic.
What is needed is avoidance of analyzing the challenge in terms of “good financiers” and “bad banksters”. It is the entire system of finance capitalism that needs to be challenged. Accepting the support of seemingly benign financiers may galvanise certain feelgood populism, but it only obscures the systemic nature of the problem and therefore the solution.
In understanding the systemic challenge we need to see it in historic context. The US economy and that of Europe has exhausted itself from the vast polarization of wealth over several decades. The economy has deteriorated to a deformed state, in which a tiny layer of society has and is accumulating vast wealth while the preponderant majority struggle to make a basic living. This elite financial aristocracy is of a piece with the feudal aristocracy of bygone centuries in Europe who derived their wealth by parasiting off the peasantry. The aristocracy in both instances is not involved in the production of goods or manufactures; they exist by lording it over the masses, extracting from the latter tributes in a web of rentier relationships.
It is something of an historical achievement that the US, which began its modern development free of the feudal ruling class that so exploited the European masses, should now be so dominated by an aristocracy that harks back to the rapacious nobles of Europe. The Republic of America was supposed to herald the ascent of democratic rights, to mark a new beginning for universal common rights, whereby rule by divine right was cast aside. Albeit that the limits of American democracy were defined by what its bourgeois Founding Fathers would tolerate, the US nevertheless represented a radical break from the European order.
In Europe, fearing that the revolutionary impulse would go too far, the emergent European bourgeoisie made its peace with the feudal aristocracy to keep the masses in check. The compromise between “new” and “old” money in Europe can be seen today in the continued constitutional role of royal families and lords, for example in Spain, Holland, Norway and most prominently in Britain. Meanwhile, in the US, not having a feudal past, the new social contract was between the capitalist manufacturers and nascent industrialists and the wider working population. In that way, the US, it could be argued, represented a more progressive democracy, offering greater rights and opportunities to the masses.
But over the past three decades, the progressive nature of American capitalist democracy has been completely eviscerated. The implicit social contract, whereby the workers could expect a fairer share of the wealth that they ultimately produce, has been ripped asunder. The paid and bought lawmakers of the two main political parties have ensured that policies relentlessly siphon off wealth to the ruling class. With rising poverty and likewise plummeting demand, even the traditional capitalists who owned the means of production can no longer find viable markets. The manufacturing bourgeoisie – the architects of the American republic – have now been superseded by a financial aristocracy, who no longer contribute accumulated capital in any productive way. They are an idle class of speculators, who make money off money. The domination of means of exchange over means of production is now the hallmark of late capitalism. This is the systemic nature of the problem and that can’t be altered or mitigated by even the most benign and well-intentioned individual financiers...MORE...LINK
Self-described Zionist Jew Anthony Blinkin slammed in New York Times as
"Secretary of War" for his despicable warlike conduct in Ukraine and Gaza
*Blinken slammed by NYT as the “Secretary of War” for continuing war in
Ukraine, Gaza*
During his final trip as America’s top diplomat last week, Antony J....
12 hours ago
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