Obama, Democrats got 88 percent of 2008 contributions by TV network execs, writers, reporters
(Washington Examiner) -- by Mark Tapscott --
Senior executives, on-air personalities, producers, reporters, editors, writers and other self-identifying employees of ABC, CBS and NBC contributed more than $1 million to Democratic candidates and campaign committees in 2008, according to an analysis by The Examiner of data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics.
The Democratic total of $1,020,816 was given by 1,160 employees of the three major broadcast television networks, with an average contribution of $880.
By contrast, only 193 of the employees contributed to Republican candidates and campaign committees, for a total of $142,863. The average Republican contribution was $744.
Disclosure of the heavily Democratic contributions by influential employees of the three major broadcast networks follows on the heels of controversy last week when it was learned that media baron Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp. contributed $1 million to the Republican Governors Association.
The News Corp. donation prompted Nathan Daschle, executive director of the Democratic Governors Association and son of former Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle, to demand in a letter to Fox News chairman Roger Ailes that the cable news outlet include a disclaimer in its coverage of gubernatorial campaigns. Fox News is owned by News Corp., which also owns The Wall Street Journal.
The data on contributions by broadcast network employees was compiled by CRP at the request of The Examiner and included all 2008 contributions by individuals who identified their employer as one of the three networks or subsidiaries. The data does not include contributions by employees of the three networks who did not identify their employer...MORE...LINK
Chris Moore comments:
And the $1 million + in straight up political donations to Obama from the MSM pales in comparison to the value of the positive spin and campaign support the media left-liberals gave him through their bias coverage, which if priced out would probably amount to tens of millions in media buys.
But favorable coverage (propaganda) which amounts to in-kind contributions vs. actual monetary contributions? Whichever tactic makes no difference. The fact of the matter is, we’re living under a quasi-fascist system with a mainstream media that caters to the neocon-neolib ruling class, its agenda, and their various decrepit patrons on both the left and the right.
This ruling class has plundered America’s good credit to buy off all opposition, and set itself up with a media propaganda complex that ensures no politicians outside of the “approved for public consumption” program stand a chance.
This is how states fail, the Soviet Union being the precedent we have followed right over the cliff. But no matter, the globalist ruling class will move on to some other brain dead mark.
Perhaps we can hasten their departure with pitchforks.

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