August Forecast: Cloudy With a Chance of Mayhem
(Revolt of the Plebes) -- by Keith Johnson --
...Obama certainly has turned a corner in his dealings with the Israeli government. No longer is he even trying to pretend that he’s a man of peace. When Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visited Washington recently, Obama did a turn around like the Nevada Senator did after he was caught with a dead hooker in “The Godfather, Part II.” He smiled and cajoled and did everything but get down on his knees and kiss BB’s ring. Obama made no mention of the murderous attack on an American citizen in international waters. He didn’t have a thing to say about the illegal settlements in East Jerusalem or the human rights violations against the people of Gaza. Instead, Obama pledged unconditional support for whatever crime Israel was planning next. Obama said, “We strongly believe that, given its [Israel’s] size, its history, the region that it’s in, and the threats that are leveled against us — against it, that Israel has unique security requirements. It’s got to be able to respond to threats or any combination of threats in the region. And that’s why we remain unwavering in our commitment to Israel’s security. And the United States will never ask Israel to take any steps that would undermine their security interests.”
Notice how Obama said “against us” and then corrected himself by saying “against it.” I believe he did that purposely to assure Israel and all their supporters that Obama now considers the U.S. and Israel to be one in the same. Remember when Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) addressed the Republican Jewish Coalition earlier this year and said “[W]e have to show that we are inextricably entwined, that as a nation we have been blessed because of our relationship with Israel, and if we reject Israel, then there is a curse that comes into play.” Obama is starting to sound more like one of these fanatical, Israel-first NeoCon’s every day.
So that pretty much seals our fate, does it not? With that statement, Obama is giving Israel carte blanche to do just about anything from a false flag terrorist attack to an outright provocation. And there is a mounting supply of evidence that that attack will be carried out sooner than later.
Why August? Iran is set to launch its first nuclear power plant—located in Bushear—by September. This project is a joint effort between Iran and their Russian ally and has suffered a number of setbacks over the past 15 months. Last April, author and communication’s strategist Joel C. Rosenberg posted an article on his blog entitled “Will Israel Strike Iran By August?” In that piece, Rosenberg contemplates whether or not Netanyahu will order a preemptive military strike against “all of Iran’s nuclear sites” before they are allowed to go “hot.” He reminds us that Netanyahu’s mentor, Menachem Begin, ordered an Israeli air strike against Saddam Hussein’s Osirik nuclear reactor in Iraq before it went “hot” in 1981.
So you may be asking, “Who is Joel C. Rosenberg?” and “Why should we listen to him?” According to the autobiography on his blogsite:
Joel — whose mother is Gentile and whose father is from a Jewish background –previously worked with several U.S. and Israeli leaders, including Steve Forbes, former Israeli Deputy Prime Minister Natan Sharansky, and former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
That should at least be enough to tell you that this guy has an inside track on what’s going on.
But it’s in his works of fiction where Joel has proven to be worthy of further scrutiny. Joel has been called “A Modern Nostradamus.” Many of the fictional elements in his bible prophecy novels have actually come true. In his book, “The Last Jihad,” a group of Islamic terrorists hijack a jet plane and fly it into a skyscraper in a major American city. That leads to a war against Sadam Hussein over his “weapons of mass destruction.” This book was written nine months before 9/11.
In another book entitled “The Last Days,” Yassar Arafat is killed, along with a U.S. diplomatic convoy, during an ambush in Gaza. Two weeks before “The Last Days” was published in hardcover, a U.S. diplomatic convoy actually was ambushed in Gaza. Thirteen months later, Yasser Arafat died.
Rosenberg also wrote a story in which Iran buys state-of-the-art weaponry from Moscow and forms a military alliance with them against Israel. On the same day that novel—“The Ezekial Option”—was published, it was reported that Iran signed a $1 billion deal with Russia to buy missiles and other weapons. In the same novel, a fictional Islamic character insists that Israel is going to be “wiped off the face of the map forever.” Five months after that book was published, Ahmadinejad gave a speech where he was alleged to have said that he vowed to wipe Israel “off the map” forever. In reality, Ahmadinejad’s words were entirely taken out of context. The correct translation of what he said was “The Imam said this regime occupying Jerusalem must vanish from the page of time.” Isn’t it interesting that translators chose to misinterpret Ahmadinejad’s words to fit the context of Rosenberg’s book rather than to fit the context of reality?
Rosenberg’s writings have also predicted the rebuilding of the city of Babylon. In his 2006 non-fiction book “Epicenter 2.0,” he wrote about the Bible prophecies in Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Revelation that indicate that the ancient city of Babylon in Iraq will be rebuilt in the “last days” of history and become the wealthiest and most powerful city on the face of the planet. In January of 2009, the World Monuments Fund and the US Embassy in Baghdad announced “The Future Babylon Project.” The Obama administration is contributing $700,000 towards the project through the state department’s budget. Reuters news agency reported that, “Officials hope Babylon can be revived and made ready for a rich future of tourism.”
You can call Rosenberg a “Modern Nostradamus” if you like. I prefer to think of him as a likely MOSSAD asset who is fed classified intelligence in advance of planned, staged events. Rosenberg claims to be a born again Christian—who gives credit for his accurate predictions—to studying Biblical prophecy and applying it to the modern world. In my estimation, Rosenberg serves as the perfect propagandist. In The United States, there are over 70 million Christian dispensationalists who support Israel. These people make up the most coveted voting block in America and latch on to anything that resembles a fulfillment of Biblical prophecy. Rosenberg’s works of fiction keep the flock entertained by feeding into their “end times” fantasies while, at the same time, advancing Israel’s war agenda...MORE...LINK
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