We are unwinding at both ends. Tribalism, the erosion of the middle class, and de facto open borders are turning Americans into mere residents of a particular North American region between Mexico and Canada. It is eerie how such current American retribalization resembles the collapse of Rome, as Goths, Huns, and Vandals all squabbled among one another for what was left of 1,200 years of Roman citizenship—eager to destroy what they could neither create nor emulate.
To ensure the investigation was done swiftly, she took the franchise from [syndicate Jew] Nadler and his judiciary committee and handed it to [syndicate Jew] Adam Schiff and the intelligence committee.
Jewish fabulist Adam Schiff as voice of reason?
House Democrats have decided that Adam Schiff, not Jerry Nadler, will lead their impeachment charge.
Jewish fabulist Adam Schiff as voice of reason?
House Democrats have decided that Adam Schiff, not Jerry Nadler, will lead their impeachment charge.

Chock another one up for the Jewish grand wizard.
Ron Paul: Impeachment…or CIA Coup?

Just a reminder that Chuck Schumer gave away the game more than two years ago when he warned the intelligence community had “6 ways from Sunday” to get at Trump.
Israel Confirmed as Origin of Trump White House Cell-Phone Bugging Devices
Impeachment Backfires: Trump Raises $5 Million In 24 Hours
American Political and Geopolitical
Too Corrupt To Fail
American Political and Geopolitical
Too Corrupt To Fail
(Trump trying to clean up the Swamp, but the business of Globalism is organized crime and concealing the crimes of Globalism.)
40 of the 50 States Don’t Have Enough Money to Pay All Their Bills
While most states report that they are making efforts to fully fund their pension plans, in the past they weren’t required to account for liabilities for pensioners’ healthcare costs. Now they are. Added together, those 40 states — the worst of which TIA refers to as “sinkhole” states — owe more than $1.5 trillion in total debt. When each state’s unfunded liabilities is divided by the number of each state’s taxpayers, the truth is staggering.
Here’s How We Are Silenced by Big Tech
The new thought-crime, virtual Gulag constructed and enforced by wealthy technocrats and their minions.
While most states report that they are making efforts to fully fund their pension plans, in the past they weren’t required to account for liabilities for pensioners’ healthcare costs. Now they are. Added together, those 40 states — the worst of which TIA refers to as “sinkhole” states — owe more than $1.5 trillion in total debt. When each state’s unfunded liabilities is divided by the number of each state’s taxpayers, the truth is staggering.
Here’s How We Are Silenced by Big Tech
The new thought-crime, virtual Gulag constructed and enforced by wealthy technocrats and their minions.
Syndicate journalist/propagandist Paul Krugman: "Trump and a number of others end up in jail, or thousands of journalists end up in prison camps."
(As a syndicate Jew, he knows the guilt of his propaganda class colleagues, and fears for their skin -- and his own.)
Mother Jones, WashPost, NYT, CNN and Yahoo all exposed as deep state propaganda puppets in shocking FISA memo
Zionist New York Times embraces "homophobia" -- but only when its practiced by Israel. (In America, they hype and decry it for liberal divide and rule.)
(As a syndicate Jew, he knows the guilt of his propaganda class colleagues, and fears for their skin -- and his own.)

Zionist New York Times embraces "homophobia" -- but only when its practiced by Israel. (In America, they hype and decry it for liberal divide and rule.)
Zionist fifth column raises $37 million for Israeli ‘heroes’ in NY
Florida County unanimously passes anti-BDS resolution after Israeli official tells commission the movement ‘stands for anti-semitism’
Florida County unanimously passes anti-BDS resolution after Israeli official tells commission the movement ‘stands for anti-semitism’

That women are transitioning themselves into sex dolls is a paradoxical result after decades of feminist propaganda that reduced the sexual relationship between men and women from a loving relationship to “men’s use of women’s bodies.” The feminists have now achieved what they decried.

The Demonization of White People Results in Racial Attacks on Them
(The wealthy Globalist's race war on Whites gains steam.)
(The wealthy Globalist's race war on Whites gains steam.)
Italy: Salvini Out, Migrants In

Germany: Invaders Being Given Lessons on “Difference between Rape and Sex”
(Hapless German social engineers attempt to instruct angry and ignorant invaders, who laugh and keep right on raping.)
Mideast wars and the Zionist project: Jews Ethnically Cleansing Gaza, Sending Palestinians to Europe, Israeli Govt. Admits
(Hapless German social engineers attempt to instruct angry and ignorant invaders, who laugh and keep right on raping.)
Mideast wars and the Zionist project: Jews Ethnically Cleansing Gaza, Sending Palestinians to Europe, Israeli Govt. Admits
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