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Sunday, August 07, 2011

Two-party hustlers just hoodwinked Americans with "debt ceiling" scam, and establishment GOP completely betrayed tea partiers to do it

The Debt Ceiling Deal From Hell

(By The Economic Collapse blog) --

Is the debt ceiling deal supposed to be some sort of a cruel joke? Is this what the American people have been waiting months and months for? The "debt ceiling deal from hell" is a complete and total fraud. Barack Obama will not need to worry about the debt ceiling again until after the 2012 election, and no "real" spending cuts will happen until after the 2012 election. The way the political game in Washington D.C. is played today, if you don't get something right now, you probably will never end up getting it. The Republicans have traded a massive debt ceiling increase right now for the possibility of very skimpy budget cuts in the future. Meanwhile, this deal establishes a new "Super Congress" that threatens to fundamentally alter our political system (and not in a good way). The funny thing is that everyone is running around proclaiming that the Tea Party won this battle. That is a complete and total lie.

So what about the $917 billion in "immediate" spending cuts that the Republicans are getting as part of this deal?

Well, they aren't really spending cuts at all. Rather, they are spending caps. Basically what is happening is that future spending increases are being cancelled and our politicians are selling that to us as "spending cuts".

What is even sadder is that the $917 billion is spread over ten years and the vast majority of the "cuts" are in the latter years.

For example, even if you consider these to be "spending cuts" (which they are not), the deal calls for only about $25 billion in "cuts" in 2012 and only about $47 billion in "cuts" in 2013.

25 billion dollars is far less than one percent of the federal budget, so needless to say these "cuts" are not very impressive at all...

As I have written about so many times before, the U.S. national debt is completely and totally out of control. This was supposed to be the moment when at least some members of Congress were finally going to get serious about our exploding debt. Unfortunately, our politicians have sold us down the river once again.

Even if the best case scenario happens (which it never does) and Congress sticks to this deal for the full ten years (which is about as likely as hell freezing over), the "savings" that this deal would produce are quite pathetic as Peter Schiff recently explained...
The Congressional Budget Office currently projects that $9.5 trillion in new debt will have to be issued over the next 10 years. Even if all of the reductions proposed in the deal were to come to pass, which is highly unlikely, that would still leave $7.1 trillion in new debt accumulation by 2021. Our problems have not been solved by a long shot.
Keep in mind that Congress can change this deal whenever it wants.

So nobody should get excited about these "spending cuts". After all, when was the last time that "future spending cuts" actually materialized in Washington?

The reality is that neither political party seems to want to do much to cut government spending...MORE...LINK

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