Pamela Geller slanders the Utoya victims (elitist anti-Semites, Hitler youth, oh and race-mixers)
(Mondoweiss) -- by Paul Mutter --
Pamela Geller, founder of Atlas Shrugs, delayed a full response to the shootings in Norway (by her own admission). Her ideological associates, in the meantime, had been issuing statements condemning the violence - as well as the victims' politics. And now, Atlas Shrugs has finally joined this argument: this past Sunday, Geller published an analysis of the victims titled "Summer Camp? Antisemitic Indoctrination Training Center":
But the jihad-loving media never told us what antisemitic war games they were playing on that island. Utoya Island is a Communist/Socialist campground, and they clearly had a pro-Islamic agenda.Even Geller knows these statement will be construed by the "Genocidal Leftists" as an endorsement of violence, but insists that it necessary to put the shootings in a larger context - the context of the global struggle against Islam:
Only the malevolent media could use the euphemism summer camp and get away with it.
The slaughter was horrific. What these kids were being taught and instructed to do was a different kind of grotesque. There is no justification for Breivik's actions whatsoever. There is also no justification for Norway's antisemitism and demonization of Israel.
. . . . Utoya camp was not Islamist but it WAS something not much more wholesome (by our standards, at any rate).Think Progress caught on to the fact that an earlier version of this post referred to "race mixing" among the Norwegian youth at the camp. Specifically, a now-removed picture caption read "Note the faces which are more MIddle Eastern [sic] or mixed than pure Norwegian." Even some favorable commenters on the post called Ms. Geller out on this caption. Perhaps the intent of this statement was to demonstrate that there were Muslims present at the summer camp and that their presence was (of course) related to the youth organization's "anti-Semitic" and "pro-Palestinian" agenda?...MORE...LINK
It was a summer indoctrination camp run by Norway’s ruling Labor Party for up-and-coming children of the ruling elite.
Glen Beck [sic] was not far off when he compared it to the Hitlerjugend or Young Pioneers."
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