(Infowars) -- On Thursday, the Mockingbird corporate media operative Keith Olbermann played the race card (again) to demonize the Tea Party movement. Olbermann had the limousine liberal Arianna Huffington on his show. Huffington said the First Amendment does not protect people who shout fire in a crowded theater. Huffington said racist “teabaggers,” led by Fox News’ Glenn Beck, are shouting fire. Huffington and Olbermann did not provide any evidence. Instead, they cited the same old tired propaganda issued by the ADL. “Beck has made a habit of demonizing President Obama and promoting conspiracy theories about his administration,” an ADL report clams. Beck “has even gone so far as to make comparisons between Hitler and Obama and to promote the idea that the president is dangerous.” Olbermann rolled a clip of Beck claiming Obama has a problem with white people to supposedly make the point. Beck “repeatedly stokes the fires of anti-government anger” by providing a platform for people opposed to the government, according to the ADL.
In fact, this anti-government anger — characterized as racist and dangerous by Olbermann and Huffington — would exist with or without Glenn Beck. Millions of people would oppose health care at gunpoint and the Federal Reserve without Beck. Glenn Beck and Keith Olbermann are birds of a feather — Mockingbird operatives tasked with demonizing and delegitimatizing the opposition. Beck is on one side of the false right-left paradigm and Olbermann and his sidekick Huffington are on the other. Olbermann steers the left into a futile process of spinning wheels and Beck commandeers the so-called right. Instead of attacking the bankers, Beck attacks the “Marxists” of the Obama administration, as if former members of the Federal Reserve and Goldman Sachs are Marxists. Olbermann, on the other hand, attacks the “racists” and supposedly violence-prone right, a fiction created by the corporate media and the government with the help of the ADL...--Kurt Nimmo...Cont'd...LINK
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