It's another record-high for the U.S. National Debt which today topped the $12-trillion mark. Divided evenly among the U.S. population, it amounts to $38,974.34 for every man, woman and child....the long-term repercussions of its graft are starting to come into relief:
The imperative of greater global currency stability means the world can no longer rely, as it has done since the end of the gold standard, on a currency issued by a single country, the head of the IMF said on Tuesday. Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the managing director of the International Monetary Fund, restated his view that a new global currency might evolve out of the Special Drawing Right, the Fund’s in-house unit of account. “That probably has to be a basket,” Strauss-Kahn said of the eventual replacement for the dollar. “In a globalised world there is no domestic solution,” he told a forum.Boy, it didn't take the Clinton-Bush-Obama generations of "leadership" long to plunder the country and destroy America's sole super-power status through incompetent leadership and epic moral and ethical corruption and selfishness. But I guess this is the fate of countries that come under the sway of mentally deranged "elites" that believe they can "create our own reality." Gee, I wonder where they ever picked up such delusions of choseness? The derangement-syndrome must be virulent.
And, wow! It didn't take Strauss-Kahn long to take advantage of the new state of affairs. I guess being an internationalist citizen of the world means loyalty to the post-war American keeper-of-the-peace (up until the Bushes and Clintons, at least) is so provincial. Why, such pedestrian concepts as loyalty are for the little people -- you know, the ones dumb enough to pay taxes. --Chris Moore
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