Washington (CNN) -- The Pentagon is making detailed plans to send about 34,000 more U.S. troops to Afghanistan in anticipation of President Obama's decision on the future of the eight-year-old war, a defense official said Tuesday.
Obama held a lengthy meeting with top advisers Monday night and said Tuesday that he would announce plans for Afghanistan after the Thanksgiving holiday.
A Defense Department official with direct knowledge of the process said there has been no final word on the president's decision. But planners have been tasked with preparing to send 34,000 additional American troops into battle with the expectation that is the number Obama is leaning toward approving, the official said.
Obama ordered more than 20,000 additional troops to Afghanistan in March...Cont'd...LINK
VANITY IN CHIEF: Photo: What's president Obama clutching in his hand in this picture of him leaving the White House? Troop deployment plans to Afghanistan to be studiously and gravely pondered because American lives are on the line? No! Far more important! The GQ magazine featuring himself on the cover as "Man of the Year"

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