Leaked Machete Script Confirms Race War Plot
(You Tube) -- By TheAlexJonesChannel
A script leaked for the upcoming film Robert Rodriguez Machete confirms fears that seeks to build up a racial cult figure who kills for the cause of illegal immigrants.
Alex Jones first put out a video warning about the potential of Machete to kickstart a race war after he was warned by two Hispanic members of Robert Rodriguez production crew. Last week, an Internet-hyped Illegal trailer for the film revealed many politicized aspects added to the already violence-laced film premise of a pissed off Mexican who wipes out his American enemies with a machete. The exploitation film was first spoofed in Rodriguez & Tarantinos Grindhouse before it was fully developed as a feature.
Now that production for Machete is wrapping up in Austin, it is clear that its racially driven plot plays upon thin stereotypes, pejorative cross-culture terms and exacerbated divisions between immigrants and white people.
The film is dangerous because it glorifies Machete as a hero, invoking his fictional racial struggle with clear parallels to current events and headlines ripped from topical news. We have already seen episodes of violent attacks, declaration of violent intent and demonstrable anger over attempts as regulation, such as Arizonas recent controversial legislation.
Further, the script seeks to build a cult icon in Machete, who Rodriguez plans to expand into sequel enterprises. By the end, the vicious revenge killer is cast in the holy light of a martyr; his likeness is placed on religious candles as the Virgin Mary or Jesus Christ would be. Vulnerable illegal immigrants, seeking to evade crude Militia Men characters as they cross the border, pray to Machete for protection, and the hopes they he will wipe out their enemies. Machete becomes a folk hero of sorts, like a Father Hidalgo, and it carries over into the traditional use of the machete as a symbol of peasant uprisings. Thus, he becomes a light to all those who seek to defeat their oppressors (by whatever means necessary, if the film is any indicator).
Religious inculcation is further induced by associating the Catholic church with Machetes revenge plot—who is set-up for the assassination of an anti-immigration Texas Senator, who seeks to portray illegals as a terroristic group seeking violence...MORE...LINK
Chris Moore comments:
They'll try to laugh this off as a "blaxploitation"-type film that is targeting Hispanics, but its clear that Jewish Hollywood and Rupert Murdoch’s (Statist-Corporatist) Fox (the film's producers) are attempting to simultaneously stir up fear and hatred of whites/border control advocates, and Catholics ('Machete' appears to be a Catholic hit man who was double crossed by white racists and so goes on a racial-religious, vengeance-driven killing spree against whites, and becomes a kind of legendary Zorro-Jesus figure).
I guess we're all supposed to roll over for the corrupt Establishment now, give in to amnesty, and turn over our paychecks to Washington in order that it help "keep the peace." These Jews and Statist-Corporatists are masters at pitting people against one another, and laughing all the way to the bank (and political hegemony), just like their Israeli cousins.
BTW, the film's director, Robert Rodriguez, is good buddies with Jewish bootlicker Quinten Tarantino (“Inglorious Basterds”) so that's a good indication of the kind of nihilistic scum that Jewish Hollywood is using to do the Judeo-Establishment's Machiavellian bidding.
This just in: Racist film ‘Machete’ produced with taxpayer funds
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1 day ago
Real Issue Is CRIMINAL Conspiracy, NOT Race-War, Promoted By Jews As Diversion
(Apollonian, 16 May 10)
Chris: this "movie" put out now by Fox and the director Rodriguez is OBVIOUSLY a farcical kind of joke meant basically as a trial-balloon--and it's gross, pathetic failure (to extent it's meant seriously) as race-war is NOT the object of, by far, most of the hispanic people, legal or illegal--there's simply no serious evidence of this.
Yes, of course, there is SMALL MINORITY of bolsheviki-mentality, funded and guided by CFR-Bilderberg (Ford Foundation, et al.--see TheNewAmerican.com and AugustReview.com for expo/ref.) Jewwy types--their object is probably mostly to scare the stupid TV-Jew-tube addicted elderly white middle-class morons--the same ones who think Jesus was Jew and enemy terror-state of Israel is our (USA) friend.
The above commentary of mine isn't to say there's not serious problem as Alex Jones (InfoWars.com) rightly pt.s out--CFR-Bilderberg scum and traitors really are trying to destroy our nation and its sovereignty, and using US tax-payers' dollars to doing it too.
Main pt. then is race-war concept is highly OVER-BLOWN--the real problem is as I pt. out, the CRIMINAL conspiracy beginning w. US Federal Reserve Bank (Fed) COUNTERFEIT fraud/scam/mechanism/operation.
Incidentally, I make precisely this pt. regarding CRIMINAL conspiracy as the REAL PROBLEM, over the race-war concept in below-copied ltr-to-ed. (also published on my blog-site, GentileAlliance.org, 15 May) I sent to MacDonald.
CONCLUSION: Chris, I encourage u to urge MacDonald to answer my ltr and address the issue--which is extremely important. For the race-war issue merely seconds the Jew CRIMINALS at the top running that sublime and infernal COUNTERFEITING scam called the Fed. Honest elections and death to the Fed. Apollonian
Here's that ltr text:
[-----see below for part two to above entry--------A.]
[-----------here's part two fm above entry-----------A.]
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Subject: ltr to ed: latest blog on race-war, ignoring prior cause of criminal Fed COUNTERFEITING….
To: editors@theoccidentalobserver.net
Date: Saturday, May 15, 2010, 3:45 PM
"Dear Prof. MacDonald:
"I note ur latest blog article at The Occidental Observer blog (TOO–TheOccidentalObserver.net/TooBlog), 15 May, “Kevin MacDonald: The Arizona Ethnic Studies Law: The Last Gasp of American Individualism,” and I commend u once again for ur cogency in bringing facts to bear in compelling manner. Further, I quite agree there’s problem for potential race war.
"But I emphatically disagree with u very much for the basic causes involved and the real, most essential problem–I say it isn’t primarily a matter of race-war, or even necessarily race itself whatsoever–it’s rather a matter, first and foremost, of CRIMINAL conspiracy.
"Thus it is my contention that source of potential racial problems u otherwise rightly invoke are to be found in criminals and their activities, which criminals want to use race and race-war as means of masking and hiding themselves and their criminal activities, diverting the people’s attention from this more basic, PRIOR CRIMINAL conspiracy which specifically has to do with COUNTERFEITING of nation’s money supply by means of US Federal Reserve Bank (Fed).
"Note I have further supplied references for this Fed conspiracy and criminal enterprise in way of G. E. Griffin’s website, RealityZone.com; also there’s TheMoneyMasters.com. Griffin’s printed work on the subject is “The Creature From Jekyll Island.”
"I contend further your efforts regarding potential up-coming race-war are mis-guided if u fail to keep properly in mind this prior, under-lying cause, Fed COUNTERFEITING conspiracy.
"Further still, failure to duly note prior cause of Fed COUNTERFEIT scam and diverting attention to racial problems ONLY HELPS and serves interests of Fed criminals and indeed, actually exacerbates the burgeoning race problem u urself invoke and emphasize.
"Finally, I note I’ve brought up these very above-mentioned points and observations for u and others on ur TOO blog which u’ve never addressed, to my knowledge, and indeed u have banned me fm further commentary. So I urge u to take opportunity to address these issues–how is it ur actions are not simply supporting and favoring the Fed criminals and COUNTERFEITERS afore-mentioned? Thanks for ur attention.
"Sincerely, Apollonian"
@ appolonian: "Main pt. then is race-war concept is highly OVER-BLOWN--the real problem is as I pt. out, the CRIMINAL conspiracy beginning w. US Federal Reserve Bank (Fed) COUNTERFEIT fraud/scam/ mechanism/operation... Thus it is my contention that source of potential racial problems [MacDonald] otherwise rightly invoke are to be found in criminals and their activities, which criminals want to use race and race-war as means of masking and hiding themselves and their criminal activities, diverting the people’s attention from this more basic, PRIOR CRIMINAL conspiracy which specifically has to do with COUNTERFEITING of nation’s money supply by means of US Federal Reserve Bank (Fed)."
I agree that Hispanics starting a race war is unlikely, even if illegal aliens were rounded up and deported. I suspect the Bolshevik agenda of films like Rodriguez' is to scare whites into relenting on amnesty, and encouraging them to keep rolling over for the Zio-Bolsheviks time and again. As I previously commented, they also seek to pit the races against one another, and Catholics against Protestants, etc, in order to distract from their own criminal enterprises which is standard Zionist M.O.
That said, I believe at some future point they are capable of inciting a race war to accomplish the above -- which is yet another reason to resolve the illegal immigrant issue ASAP and secure the borders.
In fact, there's already a low-level race war going on between black and Hispanic gangs in L.A. and elsewhere in the urban SW that I don't believe has much to do with Zio-Bolshevik psy-ops (other than that it wouldn't be taking place if they hadn't opened up the borders in pursuit of their larger agenda).
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