The Banksters and American Foreign Policy
What's driving the debt ceiling debate
( -- by Justin Raimondo --
...For months, the pundits and Washington think-tank know-it-alls have been in a tizzy: who do these unwashed peasants think they are? But of course we’ve got to raise the debt ceiling – after all, what about the "full faith and credit" of the United States? Don’t these denizens of flyover country realize they don’t have a choice in the matter? And now, with unmistakable finality, Wall Street has spoken in the form of Moody’s and S&P, the bonds rating agencies, which are threatening to downgrade US bonds if Congress fails to raise the limit.
This should give the ordinary American a clue as to what is at stake here, and who is on what side: it’s the Washington insiders and Wall Street versus the people of the United States – and the stakes are the fate of the nation...
The "left" version goes something like this:
The evil capitalists, in league with their bought-and-paid for cronies in government, destroyed and looted the economy until there was nothing left to steal. Then, when their grasping hands had reached the very bottom of the treasure chest, they dialed 911 and the emergency team (otherwise known as the US Congress) came to their rescue, doling out trillions to the looters and leaving the rest of America to pay the bill.
The "right" version goes something like the following:
Politically connected Wall Streeters, in league with their bought-and-paid-for cronies in government, destroyed and looted the economy until there was nothing left to steal. Then, when their grasping hands had reached the very bottom of the treasure chest, they dialed BIG-GOV-HELP and the feds showed up with the cash.
The first thing one notices about these two analyses, taken side by side, is their similarity: yes, the "left" blames the free market, and the "right" blames Big Government, but when you get past the blame game their descriptions of what actually happened look like veritable twins. And as much as I agree with the "right" about their proposed solution – a radical cut in government spending – it is the "left" that has the most accurate analysis of who’s to blame.
It is, of course, the big banks – the recipients of bailout loot, the ones who profited (and continue to profit) from the economic catastrophe that has befallen us...
In normal times, political movements are centered around elaborate ideologies, complex narratives that purport to explain what is wrong and how to fix it. They have their heroes, and their villains, their creation myths and their dystopian visions of a dark future in store if we don’t heed their call to revolution (or restoration, depending on whether they’re hailing from the "left" or the "right").
You may have noticed, however, that these are not normal times: we’re in a crisis of epic proportions, not only an economic crisis but also a cultural meltdown in which our social institutions are collapsing, and with them longstanding social norms. In such times, ideological categories tend to break down, and we’ve seen this especially in the foreign policy realm, where both the "extreme" right and the "extreme" left are calling for what the elites deride as "isolationism." On the domestic front, too, the "right" and "left" views of what’s wrong with the country are remarkably alike, as demonstrated above. Conservatives and lefties may have different solutions, but they have, I would argue, a common enemy: the banksters.
This characterization of the banking industry as the moral equivalent of gangsters has its proponents on both sides of the political spectrum, and today that ideological convergence is all but complete, with only "centrists" and self-described pragmatists dissenting. What rightists and leftists have in common, in short, is a very powerful enemy – and that’s all a mass political movement needs to get going...
It’s the bankers who will take the biggest hit if US bonds are downgraded: the investment bankers, who invested in such a dodgy enterprise as the US government, whose "full faith and credit" isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on. In a free market, these losers would pay the full price of their bad business decisions – in our crony-capitalist system, however, they win.
They win because they have the US government behind them — and because their strategy of degrading the dollar will reap mega-profits from American exporters, whose overseas operations they are funding. The "China market," and the rest of the vast undeveloped stretches of the earth that have yet to develop a taste for iPads and Lady Gaga, all this and more will be open to them as long as the dollar continues to fall.
That this will cripple the buying power of the average American, and raise the specter of hyper-inflation, matters not one whit of difference to the corporate and political elites that control our destiny: for with the realization of their vision of a World Central Bank, in which a new global currency controlled by them can be printed to suit their needs, they will be set free from all earthly constraints, or so they believe.
With America as the world policeman and the world banker – in alliance with our European satellites – the Washington elite can extend their rule over the entire earth. It’s true we won’t have much to show for it, here in America: with the dollar destroyed, we’ll lose our economic primacy, and be subsumed into what George Herbert Walker Bush called the "New World Order." Burdened with defending the corporate profits of the big banks and exporters abroad, and also with bailing them out on the home front when their self-created bubbles burst, the American people will see a dramatic drop in their standard of living – our sacrifice to the gods of "internationalism." That’s what they mean when they praise the new "globalized" economy.
Yet the American people don’t want to be sacrificed, either to corporate gods or some desiccated idol of internationalism, and they are getting increasingly angry – and increasing savvy when it comes to identifying the source of their troubles...MORE...LINK
Raimondo: “With America as the world policeman and the world banker – in alliance with our European satellites – the Washington elite can extend their rule over the entire earth.”
Chris Moore comments:
That’s the key bit of knowledge average Americans need to understand -- that these elites and their stooges, which in addition to the political class, international corporatists and bankers, includes armies of lackeys on the federal payroll, do NOT represent the interests of average Americans, but rather the interests of their domestic gangster racket and their grandiose fantasy of world hegemony.
Of course, it’s totally delusional, and as average Americans and the rest of the world figures out neolib-neocon Washington needs to enslave the masses to keep this huge wealth-transfer Ponzi scheme afloat, it will all unravel quicker than Madoff’s racket.
But maybe that’s what the neo-Soviet “Homeland Security” big guns and the federal police state infrastructure like TSA are all about: keeping down the peasants (average Americans) when they've been reduced to poverty by runaway inflation so that the gangsters can continue to live high on the hog.
Raimondo: "This characterization of the banking industry as the moral equivalent of gangsters has its proponents on both sides of the political spectrum, and today that ideological convergence is all but complete, with only "centrists" and self-described pragmatists dissenting...In a free market, these losers would pay the full price of their bad business decisions – in our crony-capitalist system, however, they win. They win because they have the US government behind them..."
For a somewhat simplistic, but generally accurate assessment of the phenomenon of synthesis between the banksters and the Big Government Left, read anarchist Russian revolutionary Michael Bakunin on the symmetry between the crony capitalist bankster archetype (the Rothschilds) and the Marxists:
Bakunin: "This may seem strange. What can there be in common between Communism and the large banks? Oh! The Communism of Marx seeks enormous centralization in the state, and where such exists, there must inevitably be a central state bank, and where such a bank exists, the parasitic Jewish nation, which speculates on the work of the people, will always find a way to prevail..."
Some have suggested that the entire debt "crisis" is a myth invented by the Right in order to eviscerate social spending by the federal government.
It’s true that the neolib-neocon Marxist/bankster synthesis that comprises the federal leviathan will eventually attempt to plunder Social Security to keep itself alive, and has already talked about doing so, but the debt crisis is real. China is no longer buying our debt to pay for U.S. leviathan, and increasingly neither is anybody else. We’re having to buy our own debt through the Fed, which is the equivalent of an individual paying his bills by acquiring ever more credit cards, and counting on massive inflation to set in to make his past debt seem relatively small, but with absolutely no plan to pay any of it off.
Meanwhile, the banksters and international corporatists have plundered American industry, manufacturing, and even technology, and sent the jobs associated with them overseas to cheap labor countries.
The problem with America today is that there are few real patriots left who understand the values and discipline of the Founders that made America great, only parasites, money worshippers and Big Government grifters. Appreciation for the Founders and the value behind what they accomplished (liberation from centralist tyranny) was long bashed out of America by the Marxists, and later the neocons, and the short-term thinking "values" of atheist materialism (for the masses) inserted in their place.
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