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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Poll: American dissatisfaction with liberal fascist-neocon, two-party regime currently occupying Washington reaches record high

81% of Americans Dissatisfied with Federal Govt

(The New American) -- by Brian Koenig --

A new Gallup poll found a record-breaking 81 percent of Americans dissatisfied with the U.S. government’s performance, as the economy remains stagnant and the country’s fiscal integrity wanes. The polling company noted:
Americans’ various ratings of political leadership in Washington add up to a profoundly negative review of government — something that would seem unhealthy for the country to endure for an extended period.

Nevertheless, with another budget showdown looking inevitable and a contentious presidential election year getting underway, it appears the ratings reviewed here could get worse before they improve.
A relatively new trend, American discontent with the way Congress and the White House govern, has significantly deepened. In 2003, 59 percent of Americans approved of the federal government’s overall performance, while only 39 percent disapproved. An analysis of the past few years presents an upward curve in dissatisfaction with the federal government, particularly as war in the Middle East endures and as the U.S. economy remains stale.

The Democrat-led Senate — and until 2010, the Democrat-led House — as well as the Obama administration’s government-intrusive economic policies, have left 92 percent of Republicans dissatisfied with the U.S. government’s performance, while an astounding 65 percent of Democrats are now reported dissatisfied. Gallup notes that a vital source for the American people’s governmental discontent stems from Congress, as 82 percent of those polled said they disapprove of the way Congress is dealing with today’s economic and international problems. Only 47 percent said they had confidence in the executive branch, while 69 percent of those surveyed said they had "little" or "no" confidence in the legislative branch.

Gallup’s findings reflected poorly for both elected officials and those planning to run for office, as only 45 percent expressed confidence in the "men and women in political life in this country who either hold or are running for public office."

Another Gallup poll, released last week, reported that Americans believe the federal government wastes 51 cents of every dollar it spends, the highest number since the question was first posed in 1979. The poll revealed that Americans are overwhelmingly more suspect of the federal government than state and local governments, as the state estimate held at 42 cents on every dollar and the local estimate at 38 cents...MORE...LINK

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